
- I was born in East Berlin, Germany, as Angelika Christine Kädtler.
- 1989 – 1995 Study of the piano at the College of Music and Performing Arts in Leipzig, Germany, graduated in piano and teaching. April 1995 thesis about high gifted children; July and November 1995 examination concerts, part one solo, part two piano concerto.
- 1994 – 2000 Study of medicine at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.
- 1999 Graduated in Psychological Trauma Therapy – EMDR, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Institute of Trauma Therapy Berlin, director and teacher: Oliver Schubbe.
- 2000 Graduated as a medical doctor, Humboldt University of Berlin.
- 2000 – 2004 Practice as a medical doctor in German hospitals, working also with children, newborns, and premature babies.
- 2004 – 2009 Private practice in Berlin, specialized in treating babies, families, and musicians with Craniosacral Therapy and Birth Integration Therapy, teaching Craniosacral Therapy, leading self-experience workshops to explore one’s own early history and birth, and working with midwives by offering Craniosacral Therapy at births.
- In November 2009 I married my wonderful husband Chuck from the United States. My name is now Angelika Christine Schultz. This is what brought me to Erie, Colorado, where I opened my new private Practice for Craniosacral Therapy and Birth Integration.
Post-Doctoral Training and Research
- 2001 – 2003 Training in Chiropractic at the Medical Association of Berlin; training in naturopathic medicine at the Hellmuth-Ulrici Hospitals Sommerfeld.
- 2003 Awarded Doctor of Chiropractic, Medical Association of Brandenburg, Germany.
- 2003 Awarded Doctor of Naturopathy, Medical Association of Berlin, Germany.
- 2001 – 2004 Training in Osteopathy at the IAO, International Academy of Osteopathy.
- More than 1200 hours of training in Craniosacral Therapy with various teachers from Germany, Switzerland, and the United States, including Wolfgang Rühle, Berlin; William Allen, Boulder, CO; Michael Shea, Jupiter, FL. Additional training in Craniosacral Therapy with babies and children.
- Training in pre- and perinatal work with teachers from Germany and the United States, including Ray Castellino, Santa Barbara, CA; Joachim Lichtenberg, Tübingen, Germany; Claudia Köhler, Dresden, Germany; Karlton Terry, Denver, CO.
- 2004 Published post-doctoral research dissertation and earned the title “doctor medicinae” or Dr. med. The research project investigated how professional musicians cope with stress and stage fright. The Title of the dissertation is: „Psychophysiologische Differentialtypologie der Podiumsangst – Streßbelastung and Streßbewältigung bei Berufsmusikern.“
- 2001 – 2004 Lectures about this research at different conferences.
- 2010 – 2011 Doula training with Childbirth International (CBI) and DONA International
- 2011 certified Birth Doula through CBI
- 1991 – 1993 Teaching assignment for piano at the College for Music and Performing Arts in Leipzig for students with piano as a minor subject.
- 1999 – 2001 Teaching assignment for “Medicine for Musicians” at the College for Music and Performing Arts in Leipzig.
- 2002 – 2006 Teaching assignment for the Medical Association of Berlin, in Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Craniosacral Therapy, and Medicine for Musicians.
- 2003 – 2005 Assistant Teacher at the School for Craniosacral Therapy Berlin, Wolfgang Rühle.
- Since 2005 I have been teaching most of the curriculum of Craniosacral Therapy at the School for Craniosacral Therapy Berlin, and added classes about Craniosacral Therapy for babies and children, embryology, and cranial nerves to the already existing training.
- Since 2007 I have been teaching Craniosacral Therapy including Birth Integration in my own practice as well.
- Since 2001 Member in MinD – Mensa in Deutschland, Germany – which is part of the International High IQ Society.
- May 2005 First Dan, black belt, in Aikido.